brazilian britain bullshit Comic eric raymond esr execution government id card lies murder no2id police richard stallman rms slashdot terrorism terrorist uk


everybody loves eric raymond episode 22 strip

I’ve now moved my behind-closed-doors secret underground humour factory out into the open. I’m now doing all my ELER script planning on an open wiki.

Feel free to add ideas, suggestions or even entire scripts. You will of course be credited for anything that gets used, and it will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license. Please add how you want to be credited on your wiki profile page.

You can read anonymously, but you have to register to contribute. If you’re adding random ideas, then bullet point them. If it’s a whole script, or a larger collection of related ideas start a new sub-page (but don’t episode number them just yet). Please don’t remove ideas.

Remember, these are work in progress and a lot of random ideas. I find it useful to explore any idea, no matter how lame, so a lot of this may sound sucky. Help make it better.